closertohalo9 - version 11

The Seven Steps to Self Destruction
“Speech is Silver, But Violence is Golden.”
Written & published by

Who is it that controls our lives?  Is it ourselves, is it a power like that of a god, or is our life a path that has been set for us to walk?  If it is a path , then has it already been taken, will it be followed ever again?  There are so many of us travelling this earth that surely here must be others with the same fate, others like us.  We see reflections of ourselves in others & shadows of others within our own souls.

We shape the world & others around us while they change us at the same time.  Interaction between people is what makes us human, the ability to communicate not only words but ideas & emotions.

We lie to ourselves & to others, but trickery is not all that is contained in our subconscious mind, one of the greatest features of human beings is our ability to reveal our true feelings about & to those we care about.  It is this  cocktail of honesty & falsehoods that has allowed us to form relationships with others therefore ensuring our survival.  But underpopulation is not to be of such great concern, we should instead be focussing on the problem of over-exploitation of our planet & its resources as we are depleting them at such a rapid rate; if we continue to do so, then the extinction of Homo Sapiens (the human race) is completely inevitable.

 “There is no escaping fate,
  Destiny is pre-written.”

The first step to destruction is hatred, one of the least uncommon emotions.  You will hear many people saying things such as: “I hate school so much” or “I hate this person”.  These hatreds stem from a yearning or wanting to be like others or have what they have, these are simply hatreds of jealousy & are mostly harmless unless they evolve into hatreds rooted deeply in violence.  These ‘black hatreds’ are the most dangerous & can often result in people performing senseless acts of aggression & rage which can lead to slight cases of mental imbalance in some individuals.

When these random acts of violence become more serious, the situation progresses to a state of chaos & confusion when the enforcers of the law, i.e. the police, are unable to control what is going on.

To not conform to the laws of society is to encourage the presence of anarchy, pandemonium, & general chaos.  In doing so, we invite the ideologies of the late 19th Century Russian nihilists into our minds.  Nihilism is the non-belief in religious or moral principals & duties, or in established laws & institutions.  The dogma *  that there is no real truth & that nothing actually exists is the most extreme view.  We cannot allow ourselves to be coerced into this belief system as it is the second of the seven steps to the total destruction of humankind.

 “Anarchy is more than an attitude,
  It is a way of life.”

Mankind has been at war with itself for millenia, the Egyptians fought with the Babylonians, the Spanish fought & conquered the Aztecs, & 50 to 60 years ago the Germans committed genocide on 6 million Jews during World War II.

 “Civilisation did not create War,
  Rather War created Civilisation.”

War & violence is like second nature to man, it is part of our Genetic Memory §  to break anything that we don’t like or can’t get, we eventually get carried away & the scene degenerates into one of complete chaos & eventually a small battle erupts.  If the battle continues for a prolonged period of time it can grow into a full-blown war.

When war breaks out between countries they will usually summon their allies into the conflict , the result is like that of World War II.  With the development of Nuclear Weapons in the past few decades we must not antagonise any country possessing such a devastating device.

The current rate of sources of energy is too high for the natural environment to handle, the output of waste products has reached the point where we are seriously polluting our surroundings.  If we continue at the present level then the future earth will be a barren wasteland that is incapable of sustaining life on any scale.

But this is avoidable & we should do everything possible to stop such disasters as mentioned here from occurring.

 “This is the World,
  Change it how you see fit.”

And so we do, often for the worst as our methods of extraction of minerals & other substances are extremely pollutive & destructive to the land, air, & water.

The pollution of the Earth shall leave an infertile landscape & no plant or animal life other than the accursed Human Race will survive.  There won’t be enough food for all to share & the population will slowly begin to die off:

 “In the Aftermath of the Great War,
  A great Famine shall spread across the Earth.
  And all the unbelievers shall perish,
  Their bodies wiped off the face of the planet.”
   II.24 & II.25

Humanity will not have learnt from its mistakes & skirmishes will break out amongst rival factions & religious sects over what little food is available.  Many people will die of starvation & malnutrition as a result of the greedy squandering the then most precious resource.

Clean water will also be scarce due to the large levels of pollution in our rivers & lakes from industrial, commercial & nuclear waste from weapons.

The Human Race will become truly diseased when their negligence for the well-being of the Earth gives rise to a range of diseases.  Some will be completely new diseases possibly the result of Biological Testing & Warfare, while others may be new strands or mutations of old viri & bacteria such as Smallpox & Influenza.  Doctors will not be able to treat or cure the illnesses with any form of remedy & the infected victims will drop like flies.

Disfigured victims will roam the streets begging for help & warning others of the deadly pestilence that has infected.

The disease that is Humanity which has infected earth for many millenia will be ultimately destroyed when all that we as a species have achieved Socially, Mentally, Physically, & Spiritually has crumbled under our fall from throne as rulers of our planet.

We will become like the dinosaurs, masters of our surroundings at the time, but an ancient & extinct race, unable to adapt to changes that we do not make ourselves.  It is this stubbornness that aids our end.

 “Humanity, without a doubt,
  Will ultimately be responsible for its own end.”

But what of the Earth in the Post-Hominid era?  Do we believe:

 “Out of the ashes of Humankind,
  Shall rise a new master race.”

Or will we blight the planet so much that it is unable to allow any life at all?  Are we that selfish that if we can’t have it no-one can?

No matter what the situation, Homo Sapiens will inevitably destroy each other & itself taking many other species with it on its suicidal rampage.  But it doesn’t really matter, any of it, because it will happen anyway.

 “There is no escaping fate,
  Destiny is pre-written.”


* Dogma: a belief held by either an individual or a group
§ Genetic Memory: The basic instincts programmed into all living organisms.

The 7 steps in order:

War (Second of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Famine (Third of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Pestilence (First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Death (Fourth & last of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)

All lead to:

The Fate of Humanity (Our complete destruction)

©1999, 2000, Children of Eternity

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