closertohalo9 - version 11

I like a lot of music.  Many people may say that but I like it far too much for my own good.  I listen to music all of the time when I'm at home, in fact it is not uncommon to see me walking around the house with a walkman over my ears.  This is some of the music that plays in my ears constantly.

[ Nine Inch Nails ]
Industrial Rock that has been around since 1989.  One of the best bands of the 1990's.  Three albums released to date with many singles and EP's to their credit.  Watch out for new material late 2000.

[ Nirvana ]
Grunge lords hailing from Seattle.  One of the most influential bands of the last decade.  A perfect blend of hard and soft (sometimes within the one song).  Unfortunately not around due to the fact that the lead singer and guitarist Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994.

[ Ardisson ]
Ambient|Darkwave from London, UK.  The one man project led by Charles Matthews.  Good use of static and low pitched synths to create weird but good atmospheres.  Some of his work can be found at

[ Afro 88 ]
Breakbeat from a friend of mine in the sunny town of Brisbane, Australia.  Very fast and some points and a wide range of moods used to create a sonic journey that you'll be lining up for a second time.  Also on  Not making music under this alias anymore due to a (permanent) collaboration with another musician.

[ Refused ]
True Punk.  Four (five) Swedes who can definitely keep a beat.  Political messages throughout the lyrics of their songs to get you thinking.  Broken up and reformed as The (International) Noise Conspiracy.

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