closertohalo9 - version 11

I choose you

If I could choose one person in the world
It would be you
Not just for your beauty
For your personality
For your ability to talk to others
To make them feel wanted

You did it for me
I was nobody
At least I thought so
You changed my attitude
You changed my life
Just by walking into it

But you hide behind happiness
A bright exterior
Hides a dark core
You don’t open up
You don’t share you innermost secrets
For fear of betrayal?

Why do you do that?
Were you hurt as a child?
Who was it?
Someone you were close to
Someone you trusted
Who hurt you?

Thoughts, too many to count
They run through my head
Like water a channel
Flowing in
Flowing out
Unable to grasp them

Every so often one surfaces
One idea in a river of thought
A raindrop in the ocean
I hold onto it
I hold it close
Precious, just like you

I hold you close to me
You are unique
In a world full of uniformity
I can’t let you go
I won’t let you go
You are one of a kind

There are many choices
We as humans have to make
Every day that we exist
For others
For ourselves
I choose you

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